Thursday, May 8, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me??!!

OK, So I just turned 34. Remember when you were younger and thought how old that was???

I don't feel any different, or feel old by any means.

No big shindig to celebrate the day. We had ice cream cake at my mom and dad's house (my favorite!!) Then came home and watched American Idol.


---- said...

WHOO HOO!!! Don't you love getting another year older?? I remember in high school the song strawberry wine came out and there is a line in it that says "I still remember when 30 was old..." and I remember thinking "30 IS OLD!" Funny how time changes your thinking.....

Heckethorn PTO said...

Okay, so I need you to update your blog. I was so excited to see you had one and now you haven't blogged. I am addicted and was glad you got my invite. I did notice you changed your background. Good job looking good