Friday, July 25, 2008

I've been Tagged!!!

Thank you Janell!

How to play the game. Post these rules on your blog: List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions, and 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.

3 Joys- My family, my friends, the knowledge that the gospel is true

3 Fears- Heights, bees, throw up sickness.

3 Current Obsessions- Regular Coke (mmmmm!!! but so fattening),
Blue Diamond Hickory
Smoked Almonds, reality TV shows.

3 Random Facts- I hate the taste of Pepto-Bismol or anything that has that sort of flavor, yuck!
I hate to fold the whites when they come out of the dryer, especially the socks!
I was just called to teach the CTR 5's.

Ok, So I have to tag people. Donna Shoop, Monica Stanton, Nikki Estes, Mardi Gubler, and.... do I know anyone else who has a blog????

1 comment:

Heckethorn PTO said...

You are so welcome!! I am glad to see that you responded. Good luck with those CTR 5's I did that a year ago and probably was my toughest challenge. Never a dull moment in primary. I miss you and wish we could plan a get together. Girls trip. Janell